About Dr. Applebaum
Michael Applebaum is a medical doctor and attorney practicing in
Chicago, Illinois.
As you can appreciate, he gets to see people at times of great stress in
their lives.
After all, who comes to see an attorney or a physician unless there is
something happening?
And that something that is happening – a medical or legal problem – is
usually pretty stressful.
Part of what he does, is assist his clients and patients in dealing with
the matters they face from a life perspective – not simply from a
medical or legal point of view.
Having been involved in the business for over 4 decades, it is his
conclusion that what we are told about stress is nearly 100% incorrect.
And how we are told to handle stress is also nearly 100% wrong.
There is a way to overcome stress.
It is just not the way you have been indoctrinated to believe.
View the videos. Decide for yourself.
Dr. Applebaum is available for business seminars & workshops
and individual consultations. For more information, click here.